Puerto Rico's 

 GENERAL ORDERS # 211 - 28 June 1951

Corporal JAMES O. SHIFLETT, JR., RA13386439, Infantry, Company "K", 65th Infan-
try Regiment, 3d Infantry Division, United States Army. On the night of 24 May and
during the early morning hours of 25 May 1953, a friendly patrol of Company "K" was
assigned the mission of ambushing the enemy in the vicinity of Kumhwa, Korea. They
reached the predetermined location for the ambush and immediately set up their for-
mation. When the enemy was sighted and a fire fight ensued, Corporal SHIFLETT demon-
stated outstanding determination and courage. As he was moving under intense hos-
tile small arms and grenade fire, the patrol leader pointed out to him six enemy
soldiers who were advancing towards him. Stopping momentarily, he accurately fired
his automatic rifle against them. After this action, he continued his route towards
a new position. There he found one of his comrades seriously wounded. The enemy
started advancing, as he aided the man. Operating both his and his comrade's weap-
ons Corporal SHIFLETT'S accurate fire was instrumental in stopping the movements of
the enemy. Taking advantage of the momentary cessation of movement, he fire swept
the area which the friendly unit had selected for their defensive perimeter and then
covered the friendly maneuver to the area. His actions contributed materially to
repulsing the enemy attack. Corporal SHIFLETT'S outstanding gallantry and devotion
to duty reflect great credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the Fed-
eral Service from Virginia.

Source: Record Group 338: General Orders 3rd Infantry Division, Boxes 129 to 131 -National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.